We Do Hydroseed!
Hydroseeding is a process using a specialized machine to apply a mixture (slurry) of water, hydroseed, lawn fertilizer, mulch, and powdered glue (tackifier). We have a Finn Hydroseeder mounted on a 3-ton flatbed truck. The hydroseeding machine has an independent engine, paddles to mix the slurry, and a valve system to shoot the hydroseed through a fire hose out onto the proposed grass lawn or erosion area.
Why Hydroseed Works So Well
When the slurry is mixed it adds nutrients to the seed and begins the germination process. Then the hydroseed slurry is applied to the soils surface and it creates a protected environment for the seed to flourish. The next step is for the seed to get the proper water, temperature, and sunlight. This is where a sprinkler system is ideal to mimic spring showers bring April flowers. (A brief rain shower followed by a period of sun and then another rain shower).Hydroseed Lawn Vs Sod Lawn
The cost of professionally hydroseeded lawn is approximately 85% less than the price of a professionally installed sodded lawn. A hydroseeded lawn is less susceptible to disease than a sodded lawn. Larger lawn areas is where the relatively low cost of hydroseeding becomes extremely practical compared to sod. Whether you decide to go with sod or hydroseed Landsite Development recommends our professional site and soil preparation.
Our Hydroseed Warranty
Landsite Development will warranty the germination and establishment of lawn areas, provided that compliance with these watering instructions is ensured and the following conditions are met:
- Following the fertilizing schedules and applications as suggested by your Lawn Care Professional
- No human or animal traffic is allowed on the newly hydroseeded area
- The automatic sprinkler system must provide the following:
100% head to head coverage of all lawn areas - Each zone must have heads of equal precipitation rates
- Timer must allow a minimum of four waterings per day
- The sprinkler timer is not to be arbitrarily adjusted by the client without consulting Landsite Development, Inc.
- This warranty does not include damage to the lawn area from storms, insects, disease, fungus (snow mold, etc.) or infestation from native grasses. Call your Lawn Care Professional for analysis and advice. Verification of appropriately working sprinkler system required.
Our Work Speaks Volumes
We’ve collaborated with an array of wonderful clients on the most rewarding (and award-winning) projects.